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Abu Ali delivers a check for the first “Fawateery” cash prize of 25,000 JDs to the first winner



ISTD has started handing out prizes to the winners of the Fawateery Application Draw, which took place last week, with the prizes they won during the raffle process.

Dr. Hossam Abu Ali, Director General of the ISTD handed over to the winner of the first cash prize, the value of 25,000 JDs, Mr. Fahmy Youssef  Fahmy  Abu Arshid, a check for the value of the prize.

He also handed over to the winner of the third cash prize, worth 5,000 JDs, Mr. Ahmed Hakam Sharif Barghouth, a check for the value of the prize. While the check was prepared for the second cash prize of 5,000 JDs, which was won by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Khalaf Al-Rifai, a resident of Aqaba, to be handed over at a later time.

From the beginning of this week, the department began handing out in-kind prizes to the winners, which included cell phones, TV screens of different sizes, laptops, gold coins, petrol coupons, microwave ovens, office laser printers, perfume bottles and various household supplies.

The drawing was done electronically under the supervision of a specialized committee that was formed for this purpose, and the department put the names of the prize winners on the department's website https://www.istd.gov.jo and everyone can see it.

Note that the process of uploading invoices for goods and services on the My invoices application will continue continuously, as there will be another draw for prizes on the invoices that will be uploaded to the application, the date of which will be determined at a later time.

Dr. Hossam Abu Ali, Director General of the ISTD, called on all citizens to download the Fawateery application on their mobile phones from Google play or from the Store App, by using the word “My Invoices” or “Fawateery.” After downloading the application, the user enters the national number and date of birth and thus be able to take a picture any invoice and upload it to the application.

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